Accreditation & Certification
Mold Inspection & Testing by An Accredited Lab!

From left to right: Darryl Morris, Dr. Joseph Leija, and Karen Cantalupo
Darryl Morris is a well-recognized industry leader. He is an Aerobiologist who co-founded Midwest Aerobiology Labs, a leading third-party Indoor Air Quality Certification body, alongside renowned allergist Dr. Joseph Leija. Today, Midwest Aerobiology Labs is a leading Mold DNA laboratory.
Morris has recently concentrated on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) education, consulting, and developing IAQ guidelines for homes, schools, and commercial buildings.
Laboratory Accreditation
Midwest Aerobiology Labs have accreditation from the AIHA (American Industrial Hygiene Association).
The Laboratory Accreditation Program is a performance evaluation program for environmental microbiology laboratories designed for microbiology laboratories specializing in analyzing microorganisms commonly detected in air, fluids, and bulk samples collected from schools, offices, hospitals, and industrial, agricultural, and other work environments.
Asbestos Certifications
Midwest Aerobiology Labs Inspectors have accreditation from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
IDPH Licensed Asbestos Inspectors Asbestos Inspectors are required to identify asbestos-containing materials by sampling suspected asbestos-containing materials discovered during an inspection.
Certified Asbestos Air Samplers Air Sampling Professionals are responsible for taking air samples to determine the airborne concentration of asbestos inside and outside the work area. In addition, the Air Sampling Professional conducts aggressive clearance air monitoring at the end of asbestos abatement projects to ensure that the concentration of asbestos in the air is acceptable for the reoccupation of the area.